Achieving a fully integrated digital oilfield with Rajant Kinetic Mesh® Technology
Connecting Oil and Gas Operators to real-time field intelligence, predictive analysis, and mobile freedom
With the unpredictable oil prices, oil & gas operators are realising the need to become more innovative in preparing for inevitable market shifts. As such, their focus has turned to finding the best opportunities to optimise production efficiency while minimising expenses. Rajant Kinetic Mesh ensures the best communication solutions for your oil and gas operations.
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In a typical oil and gas field scenario, operators must manage remote wells across hundreds of square miles of rugged terrain. Well heads are equipped with flow meters and other devices to measure and log data on the pressure pump function. However, the information is only accessible at each physical wellhead location with no link back to the central command centre. This means technicians must travel to different well sites each week to collect the data from the wellhead sensors and take it back for evaluation. This is extremely labour intensive and costly.
Due to the length of time it takes for the data to reach the central location, by the time issues are identified, it’s too late and any problems revealed have likely been causing inefficiencies for days or even weeks, costing the company thousands.
By introducing Rajant Kinetic Mesh technology, it enables a robust wireless solution engineered to ensure wireless connectivity is simple, instantaneous, and fail proof.
BreadCrumb wireless network nodes are easily deployed across large-scale oilfields. These nodes can be installed on equipment, vehicles, and technician devices and activate the crucial link between these business-critical field assets and your central operations centre.
Breadcrumbs rapidly self-configure to route high bandwidth data and offer a real time insight to optimise every aspect of your oil field operations and predict costly failures before they occur. Operators can be dispatched immediately with the correct equipment for a first-time fix saving time and money.
Many of the world’s largest oil & gas producers rely on Rajant Kinetic Mesh to securely and reliably deliver the business-critical field intelligence they need to manage and optimise manned, unmanned, and remote operations.The range of applications supported by Kinetic Mesh is virtually unlimited – from remote monitoring machine health, voice and data communications, and video security.
Rajant moves and evolves with your connectivity demands.